Observing the Pre-Election Environment

The fairness of an election cannot be determined solely by considering what happens on election day; as there are many things that can occur before the election which can affect citizens and political parties' ability to participate effectively in the democratic process. Your answers to these questions will help with the evaluation of the election environment in your area.

1. In your area, do voters feel safe to express their political views at work and in the community?
2. Do homeowners and car owners from all parties feel it is safe to have yard signs or bumper stickers expressing their political preferences?
2. Do homeowners and car owners from all parties feel it is safe to have yard signs or bumper stickers expressing their political preferences?
3. Do all political parties and candidates in your area reject violence and express support for multi-party democracy and political tolerance?
4. Do the voters in your area have adequate access to information on the platforms and policies of the political parties and candidates competing, so that they can make an informed choice on election day?
5. Do people have sufficient knowledge of the election processes (how and where to register and how to vote) to participate effectively in the election process?
6. Are the election officials in your area perceived as neutral administrators of the electoral process?
7. Were all the political campaigns in your area conducted without the unfair use of government facilities or resources by incumbents or others?
8. Did any political parties or candidates in your area try to buy votes with money or gifts?
9. Did any political parties or candidates use threats or violence to influence voters' choices or to intimidate them from casting a vote on election day?
10. Is media coverage of the candidates and political parties in your area unbiased and neutral?