Poll Cop - Poll Watcher Report



Read the questions carefully. Please make a check in the appropriate box. If you cannot answer the question, or it is not relevant, leave it blank. If clarification is required, briefly explain in the comment section of the form. If at any time you are prevented from observing any process, please challenge this, and if the challenge is not resolved, immediately file an incident report.

Before Opening

1. Were you allowed to observe the set-up of the precinct before opening? (if no, prepare and immediately file an incident report)
2. Are all polling team members and required materials present?
3. Are there inspectors from both major parties on the polling team?
4. Has an area been designated for poll watchers?
5. Is an American flag displayed in the precinct?
6. Did the "inspectors" swear an oath to conduct fair elections?
7. Did "judge" confirm the seals on the machines were unbroken, and that the numbers on the seals matched the numbers in the log?
8. Did "inspector" open the tabulators and show you that the main and emergency boxes were empty, before resealing the machines?
9. Was a zero tape printed and "signed" "inspectors"?
10. Were you able to confirm the zero tape listed all candidates, and showed no votes?
11. Was the zero tape left attached to the tabulator?
12. Did the precinct open on time (open_time)?
13. Were you able to see voter's "ID" and their name on the e-pollbook?
14. Were you able to see voter's name in the pollbook?
15. Was each voter's name called out so it could be heard by all poll watchers?
16. Were voters with shaded signature boxes required to show acceptable ID?
17. Could voters mark and cast their ballots in secret, without anyone see how they voted?
18. Were any voters challenged?
19. Were any procedures challenged?
20. Were any provisional votes cast?
21. Did any voters complain that someone had already voted in their name?
22. Did any voters vote using only an ID Confirmation Statement?
23. Were there any problems with the voting machines?
24. Were "challengers" present from both major parties?
25. Were any poll watchers present during the day?

Closing the Poll and the Counting Process

26. Did the "precinct" close at "close_time"?
27. Were voters in the line at closing time allowed to vote?
28. Were there any ballots in the emergency (auxiliary) ballot storage area of the tabulator? (if yes, question , and provide explanation in comment section, or file incident report)
29. Was a results report run on the "tabulator"
30. Were you given a copy (or allowed to copy) the results tape from the "tabulator" (if no, file an incident report).
31. Were you allowed to observe all aspects of the polling and counting process? (If no, file an incident report)
34. Did the total number of votes cast from the tabulator report equal the total number of voters checked off in the ? (If no, provide details in the comment section, or file an incident report).
35. Which political party do you represent?
Please record the total votes for each candidate below
Candidate NameVotesCandidate NameVotesCandidate NameVotes